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Mission A-Z

Action not Apathy

‘When all is said and done, more is said than done.’ Aesop.


Let’s choose to find motivation in positive emotions, rather than fear. Let’s make

the changes because we imagine the world climate-stabilised, healthy, sustainable,

peaceful. Let’s do it for the next generation so they inherit a sustainable Earth.


Animals Asia







Bear bile farming is cruel and continues today in China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia and Taiwan. Bear bile products are also found in Australia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Singapore, the US and Canada.

Help AnimalsAsia rescue and care for the innocent moon bears that are caged in agony for up to 20 years.


Climate Change and CoP-Out













The majority of politicians at the CoP 26 talks made commitments towards keeping Earth at ‘only’ 1.5 Centigrade above pre-industrial levels. Never has even a fraction of CoP commitments been adhered to. The latest calculations from the IPCC indicate that even if all Cop 26 commitments were honoured, global warming would reach 2.4 Centigrade warmer. We must lean on our politicians by telling them their political careers depend on their climate commitments and the actions that back them up.

















According to the World Health Organisation, 1320 children die from malaria each day. The vast majority of these deaths can be prevented.



There are hundreds of charities writing policy statements, lobbying with words etc. Words in themselves achieve nothing. The world needs actions, not well-meaning intent and endless discussion.

So, in line with the Worldwize mission statement, we show links to the charities we have identified as actively working where it makes a difference, long-term and with good governance.


Education of Girls







Educated girls become more empowered women who make better life choices, are healthier and have fewer children. The medi-eval practice of denying girls education comes from fear in men (weakness) and religious dogma.


Food and Famine

“Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”   -   Albert Einstein




















According to the World Food Program the various global shocks of the last two years have doubled the number of people in severe food shortage to 345,000,000 across 82 countries.  Currently - according to  '' - the world produces 2750 calories per person per day.  But the problem is the distribution.  Western countries such as the US and Europe consume more than they need while Africa and Asia do not get enough.


Human Rights














Those of us lucky enough to live in a democracy take for granted the right to hold our elected representatives to account. But sadly there are injustices occurring all over the world: China and the Rohingya muslims, Iran and the suppression of women, FGM, North Korea, Syria and Ukraine to name only a few examples. Amnesty International continue tirelessly to support victims, but to continue they need our support.



Anyone responsible for making decisions will confirm what common sense tells us: that the more diverse the contributions are, the better the resulting decisions. Including women, people from ethnic and other minorities and people from different belief systems makes for wiser decisions and choices that receive the widest buy-in.














‘Peace Direct supports hundreds of local people preventing wars around the world.’ This, in turn saves lives and enables people in areas of conflict and war to better educate and feed themselves.













Worldwize believes that women and girls hold the key to unlocking the vast potential of half the world population in the poorest countries. Actionaid focusses on poverty and helping girls get an education.



Forests currently contribute to the sequestering (trapping) of 25% of all carbon dioxide emissions worldwide. But this contribution could be as high as 50% with the right commitments from governments. Individually, we can plant trees that thrive in our local climate. But we can also lean on the politicians who set the agenda wider. Ask us to send your local MP a free copy of ‘Beat Energy Bills and Climate Change.’



Each and every one of us is in service to someone or something. Our life choices determine where we focus our energy and what sort of Earth we leave to our children and theirs. We are the first generation to understand the complex interactions of ecosystems and climate. But we may be the last generation to be able to exert the necessary power in time to secure our future here. Our choices - environmental, sustainable, inclusive, worldwize - will determine if we deserve the chance.








Who would have believed one hundred years ago that in the year 2022, 50,000,000 people would exist as modern-day slaves, 12,000,000 of them children? This exploitation, particularly of women, children and people from disempowered backgrounds must be stopped.









What does it say about us when we cannot even protect the magnificent, iconic species of planet Earth? Tigers, elephants, polar bears, rhinos, pandas, orang-utans and many more, all need our protection. In many cases, our incursion into their natural habitats severely endangers them. Once gone, they are gone. Adopt a tiger or other creature and enhance their chances of survival.


Worldwize Wind








Worldwize Ltd. (Co. Reg. No. in England and Wales 0943 9446) has never had an income. The charity we tried to set up ten years ago was denied charitable status on the grounds that its remit was too wide. The entire premise of Worldwize is a holistic, wider view of what we can do to create a better, sustainable world. But we were unable to convince the Charities Commission of our ‘charitable purposes.’

However, we are planning a Worldwize Wind Turbine, owned exclusively by donors to the crowd-fund. The owners will take a share of profits in exact proportion to their share of funding. An escrow account will be set up to secure the fund and protect funders in the time it takes to build one or more turbines. If you would like to be informed of developments, please Contact Us.


X is for Multiply

You can be part of serving the Worldwize community by merely spreading the word. Multiply yourself and tell people about us and our vision.


Zero Emissions

If you would like to know how you - as an individual - and the world can be energy-self-sufficient from renewable energy exclusively, you will find the answers in Beat Energy Bills and Climate Change.’  All the technology we need already exists.


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